Want to reach the finish faster than your competition and do it safety? You need to observe and interpret the winds, waves and weather.
In this session, Ron will discuss the art and science of being situationally aware of the environment around you so you can achieve your goals. While the session is targeted to the offshore racers, the presentation will help the cruiser whether on Lake Ontario or elsewhere. As past participants of LOOR races will attest, the weather has a major impact of the outcome of event; from near hurricane force winds, to no wind, to severe thunderstorms, to water spouts, all in the one race! To be able understand the current weather around you and what the prospects are a foundation any sailor needs to know. In order to be safe.
The presentation will be be held at PCYC March 6th at 7 PM. Non-members are asked to register with David Sutman at PCYC to indicate they are coming. David can be emailed at davids@pcyc.net.
Bio: Ron is currently the Director of Strategic Development for Weather Services at Wood Met-Ocean group. He has held the position of Vice President of Meteorology for Weather Network/MeteoMedia, Operations Manager for Environment Canada’s Storm Prediction Centre in Ontario. He is Past President of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, and a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological and American Meteorological Society’s.
Ron was also a CYA Sailing and Power Instructor from 1982 to 2000, and has managed and taught sailing, meteorology, navigation, and boat safety for several sailing schools throughout the GTA. Ron has been has lecturing and teaching about the nature and behaviour of the atmosphere at Sailing Schools, Yacht Clubs, Boat shows, Canadian Sail and Power Squadrons, Colleges and Universities for over two decades