Webinar 1:
Two Mandated Items: 19:30 EST, Tuesday, February 21, 2023
On Zoom
There are several items mandated for LOOR Events, whether LOOR OSR Category 3 or 4.
This session will cover two of these that might be overlooked.
Concussions - Mandated by Ontario Law
First Aid – Awareness by, at least, one crew, A First Aid Manual and First Aid Kit, which "shall reflect the likely conditions and duration of the passage, and the number of crew”.
The Concussion component will provide what competitors need to know and briefly go
over the Ontario Government’s material that competitors are supposed to review
The First Aid component will discuss some of the factors that sailors need to consider
when determining what First Aid Manual and First Aid Kit might be fit for their purposes,
such as just racing versus blue ocean cruising, etc.
Registration link: h ttps://www.eventbrite.ca/e/loor-events-two-mandated-items-
Webinar 2:
Ontario Sailing – Two Services for Racers
19:00 EST, Tuesday, March 21, 2023
On Zoom
Covers Personal Survival Courses and the Maple Leaf Fund provided by Ontario Sailing
of interesting to racers, especially offshore.
Ontario Sailing is the Provincial Sports Organization (PSO)/Provincial Sailing Authority
(PSA) responsible for sailing, including sailboat racing. Amongst the various services
that Ontario Sailing provides to sailors, two are of specific interest to racers, especially
those participating in offshore events such as those organized by Lake Ontario Offshore
Racing (LOOR).
They are:
The Sail Canada Personal Survival Courses organized by Ontario Sailing
The Maple Leaf Fund
Personal Survival Courses:
Taking one of the two Personal Survival Courses is becoming more and more a
requirement for a percentage of the crew participating in a race that is run as an
Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) Category 0, 1, 2, or 3. More information on
LOOR’s phased implementation can be found at this LINK. While developed for
offshore racing, these courses are of interest and use to cruisers, especially those
considering blue water cruising.
Learn why you should take one of the courses, which one is the right fit for you, and
how to register at Ontario Sailing..
The Maple Leaf Fund
There are requirements to participate in events conducted under World Sailing’s Racing
Rules of Sailing and Sail Canada Prescriptions. The general method to comply in
Canada is for the Person-in-Charge (PiC) to be a member of a sailing or yacht club that
is a member of their Provincial Sailing Authority/Sail Canada. To allow those that do not
comply this way, i.e., as being at a marina, Ontario Sailing offers its Maple Leaf Fund.
If interested in or planning to race, learn how:
To confirm your club is a member of Ontario Sailing/Sail Canada
If your club is not a member or at a marina, how to subscribe to Ontario Sailing’s
Maple Leaf Fund to meet the eligibility requirement.
Registration LINK.: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ontario-sailing-two-services-for-racers-tickets-534572610067